Friday, January 9, 2009

Bicycling in Ann Arbor

There's a new page up on the city website about bicycling in Ann Arbor.

It looks like a promising start. As I noted here, I think it could be improved in several ways.

1) The online citizen request system does not include an obvious category for asking the city to remove broken glass or similar trash from a bike lane. (I tried this recently, and the closest category I could find was “pothole to be repaired.” Needless to say, the request is still listed as “open” 4 days later.)

2) The bicycle registration section links to the City Clerk’s site, but the City Clerk’s site barely mentions bicycles. (There’s one brief mention, but the bike registration form is not online.) I would think folks might be much more likely to actually register their bikes if it did not require a trip to city hall.

3) The page talks about how many miles of bike lanes were added in 2007. It would be nice to see an updated number for 2008, plus a graph or chart showing the change on a per year basis.

4) It would be nice to see a link to what's planned for 2009 in terms of bike infrastructure for Ann Arbor.

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